CatSpan success

CatSpan volunteers would like to thank the many people who helped make our recent book and garage sale a $6,800 success.

CatSpan volunteers would like to thank the many people who helped make our recent book and garage sale a $6,800 success. The annual food bill is assured but we are not letting any grass grow under our feet because we still have to pay the vet bills.

Each feral cat can cost up to $180 to neuter, treat and vaccinate and CatSpan can’t recover any of the money through adoption fees because the cats are wild and therefore not adoptable.

So we are moving into our next fundraiser with our Cocktails for Cats at Morningstar Golf Course in Parksville coming up on April 26. This is a silent auction and more, serving appetizers and good times.

Our famous cat beds will also be available for sale at the auction…in spring colours no less. Tickets for the auction are $25 (to be pre-sold) and are available at Bosleys in Parksville or from Heather 250-468-5527 or Heather will be delighted to hear from you if you like cats and want to help them by donating an auction item (goods or service).

Our goal is to reduce the number of feral cats by neutering them and giving them whatever quality of life we can. You can keep up to date with our work on facebook.

We are pleased to find so many people in our community who support the concept of trap/neuter/return with an increasing number of people using our services to help feral cats. Given the generous community response to our work we expect the tickets will sell out quickly.

Jennifer Coleman

CatSpan volunteer


Parksville Qualicum Beach News