CatSpan thanks

Our community’s feral cats, neutered colonies being fed by CatSpan, now have enough food to last 2-3 months thanks to the food drive.

Our community’s feral cats, the neutered colonies being fed by CatSpan, now have enough food to last 2-3 months thanks to the Aug. 16  cat food drive.

Thrifty Foods let us use a great spot in front of their store entrance, and Bosley’s had cat food specials on all day for people to buy and donate to CatSpan. Supporters dropped off cat food and donations all day as well, and we got a very large donation of cat food from a generous distributor of Qualicum Pet Foods. Our thanks to all of you.

Feral cats are now thought to be the main contributor of the kittens who end up in shelters and rescues. Many feral–born kittens don’t survive and if we can’t catch them, or catch them while they are still young enough to be tamed, those who do survive become feral and, in turn, give birth to more kittens. CatSpan will neuter any feral (can’t be picked up or touched) or stray cats you are feeding at no cost (or by donation if you wish to help the cause). Contact information is on our website

Let us know if you need our help. Cats are neutered and returned to where they are living. We are not a cat removal/killing service, however. Feral cats are very difficult to move, requiring quite a lot of effort though occasionally we have to get cats out of dangerous (to them) areas and we are always looking for kind people with barn homes wanting some non-toxic rodent control in exchange for food and shelter for these cats.

We still welcome cat food donations year long, and drop off spots are listed on our website as well.

Jennifer Coleman, CatSpan volunteer


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