Cawston food bank extends thanks to community

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who faithfully supported the Cawston food bank last year in the Similkameen

To the Editor:

Here we are starting another new year and once again I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who faithfully supported the Cawston food bank last year. We spent over $1,000 per month on food and helped an average of 90 to 100 people on a monthly basis. In November alone we served 140 people.

Those of us who have a roof over our head and food to put on the table are blessed and I for one feel privileged to help the less fortunate.

On that note, I would like to extend a special note of appreciation and thanks to Valley First Credit Union for all their efforts and donations last year, as well as for providing the shopping cart and food bank account for money donations.

A reminder at this time that tax receipts will be mailed out before the end of February for all monies donated.

A special thank you also to the teens from Similkameen Elementary Secondary School who canvassed for food donations on Halloween, and thanks also to all the others – both business people and  individuals alike – who contributed.

Thank you  – every donation, large or small is greatly appreciated. I pray all who helped will be as generous this year.

Unfortunately, things are not getting any better. Food prices and everything else is rising and jobs continue to be scarce. Times are getting tougher and more and more people are going to find themselves in need of help.

When I work at the food bank, I remind myself that here, but for the grace of God, go I. These people need our help and are grateful for it.

Thank you for your continued support. God bless you all.

Sincerely, Ingrid Percival, Food Bank Administrator


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