Cedar Road isn’t a speedway

NANAIMO – Increasing number of bars, pubs and liquor stores in the area means it's time to change attitudes, says letter writer.

To the Editor,

To those who like to drive up and down Cedar Road, in many sections the speed limit is 50 km/h. It’s posted in several places. So for those who have family and friends who either can’t read, can’t comprehend what they are reading, or don’t care what they are reading, please explain to them it’s against the law and the person you might drive over might be someone you know and even care about.

To the RCMP who might want to fill their ‘quota’ for speeding tickets, consider Cedar Road a great place to spend an afternoon. You can get your coffee at Coco’s and set up the radar.

To those who like to drive up and down Cedar Road, after 1 a.m. at high speeds, burning rubber, tossing beer cans, cigarette butts, and other debris, it’s reasonable to conclude you are impaired; RCMP take note.

A special thank you to those who walk to and from the pubs. I even like your singing.

The driving habits of 30 years ago might not have gotten someone killed, but with the ever-increasing population and the high number of bars/pubs/liquor stores in the area it’s time to change attitudes and practices.

Remember it’s 2017 and some people may want to see 2018.

E.A. FosterNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin