Celebrate Labour Day

It is up to each and every one of us to never waiver in our efforts to protect and to make improvements to wages and our working conditions

Canadian workers have celebrated their achievements on Labour Day ever since it was declared a national holiday in 1894. Everyone should all take a moment on Monday to reflect and celebrate our contributions to Canada. Working people, organized or unorganized alike, should be very proud of the country they have built. And we all should never forget what sacrifices were made to make this country great.

But we must never take it for granted that our communities and our society will remain strong on their own. It is up to each and every one of us as we provide our labour each day, to never waiver in our efforts to protect and to make improvements to wages and our working conditions. For it is these improvements that will continue to keep our community and Canada strong in the future.

On behalf of the over 4,000 workers and members of the South Okanagan Boundary Labour Council, we wish everyone a very happy Labour Day.

Brent Voss, president


South Okanagan Boundary Labour Council



Penticton Western News