Cell tower could come to your neighbourhood

A proposed cell tower will be constructed only 13 metres from a neighbouring house in Tall Timbers.

Editor: Re: “Critics argue against proposed cell tower,” (The Times, March 27), we are a group of concerned citizens in this neighbourhood.

Over 95 per cent of us are against the installation of this tower. The proposed construction is only 13 metres from a neighbouring house. Constructing a tower in a central residential area for convenience purposes is not a valid reason; these belong in industrial areas or on major thoroughfares.

This proposed 150-foot faux tree tower will literally tower over everything in the area, and does not fit in with the scenic character of the neighbourhood.  We are situated in the middle of a very rich ecosystem where the environmental impacts could be severe.

If it is allowed to come to our neighbourhood, and as long as the procedure for cell tower placement stays the way it is, yours could be next.

Concerned residents of Tall Timbers

Langley Times