Cell towers and cellphones are not safe

Liechtenstein is lowering cell tower radiation 10 times lower than the limit in Switzerland

Editor, The Times:

I read with dismay the cheerful announcement by Telus that it has “committed to and is in the process of upgrading the cellular service to Clearwater – by adding 1900 Mhz to the existing 850 Mhz service. The District has been working with TELUS to make this happen.”

This, despite the growing body of scientific research indicating the health hazards of cell towers and cellphone usage.

The BioInitiative Report (PDF) has spurred the Principality of Liechtenstein (on the border of Switzerland) to mandate a lowering of cell tower radiation 10 times lower than the limit in Switzerland. In Noida, India, 300 cell towers are to be relocated away from densely populated areas in the city, a decision “in line with an Allahabad high court order in January last year, in which installation of new towers was prohibited in residential areas.”

Closer to home, a North Vancouver biochemist applauds the West Vancouver Cell Towers Action Group in his letter to the editor of North Shore News:” The electric current generated by any given source emits two types of energy, namely electrical and magnetic. Since magnetic fields can penetrate most media including the human body, they are the component of electromagnetic fields usually studied in relation to cancer. The electromagnetic radiation resulting from cell towers would be much stronger even than that generated by high-voltage power lines. Considering the potentially deadly effects of these on children, I suggest that Rogers builds the cell towers farther up the hill where there is currently no human habitation.”

Cellphones and cell towers (and smart meters) are still controversial issues, thanks to the corporate industry.

“Governments and corporations have scientists working for them,” says Robert Bateman in the documentary, “Take Back Your Power”. “The true scientist is always seeking the truth – but they can’t speak! They can’t speak the truth of their own work being paid for by the corporation or the government (which means the taxpayers). I know so many scientists that have been muzzled, and if they speak the truth …  they’re fired or they’re demoted, or they’re imprisoned in their career so their careers can’t advance.”   Thus, we only hear what the corporations want us to hear.

I urge your readers to do their own research, looking for independent studies not financed by industry; it’s past time that we understand the dangers of ubiquitous electromagnetic radiation. A good start would be to watch the documentary “Take Back Your Power.”

P. Gregson/Crane


Upper Clearwater, B.C.



Clearwater Times