Cellular towers bring serious health worries

To the Editor,Re: Cell coverage upgrades needed, Letters, Feb. 15.It seems lately there are two kinds of people that publicly desire to air their opinions:  those who are well-informed, constantly update and modify their ‘truths’, and appreciate both the challenge of defending their positions and/or changing them as they become increasingly aware of developing information; then there are those who prefer a stagnant truth, requiring all be either black or white, and hold their opinion immutable and any challenge is labelled  inflammatory, self-serving or reactive.Currently the Regional District of Nanaimo is contemplating approving Telus’s request to build a cellular tower that emits radiation in a residential neighbourhood within 250 metres of a school.  The benefits are convenience: the land is federally owned and it would alleviate a ‘dead’ space for drivers wishing to talk on their mobile phones.  Lack of funds prevent most studies that suspect harm from the levels of radiation these towers emit and a lack of historical information hinders the assertion that the possibility of irreparable harm to our most vulnerable exists.  Odd, that promoting a communicative device also requires invalidating listening to the concerns of the neighbourhood directly affected by ‘progress’.  Other districts (Vancouver, West Vancouver, and most recently North Vancouver) recognize the need to legislate the health concerns and place the welfare of the public ahead of corporate convenience. I’m hoping the RDN will do the same. A.J. RodocanachiNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin