Central Saanich council needs a better process

It seemed to this observer that the previous council had a majority making pre-determined decisions.

I wholeheartedly concur with the views of Elaine Hepburn as to the not-so-hidden agenda of the last Central Saanich council.

I too attended the public hearing on Oct. 8 regarding the rezoning application for the development at 7878 East Saanich Rd. I spoke against the development as it was proposed.

All of the numerous and legitmate concerns were politely acknowledged and then ignored as the rezoning was swiftly passed at the Oct. 20 counci meeting. Then -councillor Ryan Windsor let the charge in favor over the objections of councillors Alicia Cormier and Zeb King.

It seemed to this observer that the previous council had a majority making pre-determined decisions.

The new council, with Ryan Windsor as mayor, has several members whose pro-development biases are apparent. It remains to be seen whether they constitute a majority.

Windsor mouths the appropriate ‘inclusive” political language in his inaugaral speech.Just what does his  call for “a comprehensive development policy” really mean?

Development in the municipality is inevitable.

What should not be inevitable is the imposition of the select views of a select group of citizens without due democratic process.

The actions of the new council must be held up to a more rigorous public scrutiny.

Richard Gain, Central Saanich

Peninsula News Review