Chamber of Commerce – Events are vital to our community

The Chamber of Commerce is applying to fund an events coordinator for one year.

How to vote in Sunday’s big vote


On Sunday, April 27, the Village of Nakusp and Area K are going to vote for which local projects will receive funds from Columbia Basin Trust.

The Chamber of Commerce is applying to fund an events coordinator for one year.

This position would not only bring leadership to existing events such as Canada Day and Celebration of Light, but also open the door to new events.

Why is this such an important need?  Firstly, our area lacks the volunteers to consistently put on community-wide events effectively.  Communities similar to ours have suddenly found that key events can no longer run because a few dedicated people get burned out.

In the face of that possible outcome here, the Chamber of Commerce sought and obtained funding for a coordinator for six months.

However, this was a more limited project, involving the creation of event templates, creating an events calendar, and making connections between community groups.  This funding is about to expire; renewed funding is vital to build on the work that has already been done.

Secondly, events are particularly vital to the Arrow Lakes region.  Yes, we must continue to draw tourists in all seasons of the year with a festive atmosphere.

However, not only do events draw visitors and keep them coming back, they foster a healthier community for all of us to enjoy.  Families need local activities they can do together.

On a deep level, events can help transform disconnected individuals into a cohesive group.  They help turn “I” and “me” into “us” and “we”.  Even the preparation and work it takes to put on an event gives a greater sense of ownership and connectedness to this place and these people.

Finally, there is an opportunity to take our community events to the next level.  We have been expanding the Celebration of Light event every year, and we have a goal of making it more regionally known as the Christmas event of the West Kootenay.  There are possible events in the works such as the Hot Springs Hill Climb Race and a medieval-themed festival.  A coordinator will bring greater success to all community groups’ events and help us work together more effectively.

Thank you to everyone who takes such great pride in this community.  Help us keep and grow our vitally important events.  Please vote for the Events Coordinator proposal April 27.


Arrow Lakes News