Chambers was misreading history

The recent letter of John Chambers, ‘Fight all of the enemies of peace’ (The NEWS, Feb. 12) basically depicts Chambers as a biased writer.

The recent letter of John Chambers, ‘Fight all of the enemies of peace’ (The NEWS, Feb. 12) basically depicts Chambers as a biased writer.

Usually wars and the like, are the results of blatant injustice. One group taking advantage of a weaker one, the bully on the block if you like.

When here in the West we witness the barbaric ISIS executing westerners and these butchers to boot speak with a perfect European English accent, one can only wonder: are they the descendants of the executioners that burned Joan of Arc at the stake under the leadership of John of Lancaster in 1431?

Chambers should read Bernie Smith’s Feb. 12 letter to the editor (‘Religious action’). That may shed some light in the shadows. Chambers writes about repelling expansionist Germany; if the French and the English didn’t oppress Germany after the First World War, than more than likely the Second World War wouldn’t have taken place.

Look at Germany now, the leading country of Europe. Thank you, Germany, for the jet airplane.

J.C. LECORDIERQualicum Beach

Parksville Qualicum Beach News