Change anthem to daughters

A recent letter writer considers anthem move as simply “political correctness.”

Re: the change to the national anthem from “all thy sons” to “all of us.”

A recent letter writer considers the move as simply “political correctness” and cites with approval another writer’s opinion that “it’s a bad idea to start changing national anthems” in response to “passing trends in public opinion.”

I wonder, then, how we moved from “God Save the Queen” (sorry, it would still have to be King, if “passing” changes are not allowed) or “The Maple Leaf Forever” to “O Canada,” without trends in public opinion?

But perhaps we should accommodate facts rather than public opinion, and, given that there are (according to Statistics Canada) more females than males in the Canadian population, merely alter the disputed word in the anthem from “sons” to “daughters.”  I am sure the (male) letter writer would have no objection to presenting himself in song as a loyal daughter of Canada.

Elizabeth MarslandQualicum Beach

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