Change Beacon back to two lanes

Change Beacon back to a lane each way so you can drive through town and not around it.

A Sidney councillor was quoted as saying that the traffic on Beacon was changed to  a two lane street to “bolster downtown business.”

I was a businesman on Beacon when the change was made and I was one of the many merchants to strongly oppose it.

A merchant wanted to put table and chairs on the sidewalk which meant the sidewalk had to be enlarged.

They tried to sell us this idea of bigger sidewalks but failed.  They then said that it would only be in one block.  This was done and then the next block was pressured  into changing and finally the last one. Then came the nightmare to change the traffic pattern.

After losing our angle parking we now end up with a three block, two lane highway coming to a screaming halt at a stop sign. A marvel in engineering.

Change Beacon back to a lane each way so you can drive through town and not around it.

V. Gordon




Peninsula News Review