Change the bike laws

Riding a bike down narrow road facing traffic considered illegal even though writer felt it was safer

Every time I hear of someone getting killed or injured while riding a bike, I always remember when we had a trailer at Harrison Holiday Park on Hot Springs Road. One day I was riding my bike on that narrow road facing traffic when a police car stopped. the officer opened the window and hollered, “Hey you must not travel against traffic – the law for bikes is to travel with traffic.”

I was sure surprised because there’s hardly any shoulder on that road to ride on.

Consequently, a few days later, I did travel with traffic on this narrow road. A large van passed me and his righthand mirror just brushed my helmet. Luckily, I was able to keep my bike under control.

Now, another cyclist’s death in Abbotsford could have been prevented.

Here’s a suggestion for those narrow streets and roads around the country. Why not where there’s no marked bicycle lane, you can travel against traffic.

Ernie Poignant



Agassiz Observer