Changes a positive step

It is a positive sign for Penticton and area to see a company like Newcap willing to invest their money here

I agree with Mr. Murphy (May 9 letters). I’ve been reading the letters of support for the former Giant FM and I thought I would add my two bits.

I am an Alberta transplant from many years ago. I remember moving to Penticton and being happy to hear there was a country station broadcasting here.

I really tried to like Giant FM but it was too painful. It reminded me of amateur radio. The music was all over the place, evenings were filled with religious programming and the announcers rambled on and on.

I had to switch it off.

Upon hearing that Newcap Radio had purchased the station, I was excited. They already operate several country stations that are leaders in their respective markets. So far, I am impressed with the changes they have made and I look forward to seeing what’s next.

It is a positive sign for Penticton and area to see a company like Newcap willing to invest their money here.

Gina Handley





Penticton Western News