Check your facts on climate change

There are a lot of different opinions on that subject

Check your facts on climate change

Jane Kilthel peddles the two degree threshold of serious harm from a warming climate, in your August 17, 2018 issue.

I challenge her to prove that value. People who look for justification find only that someone pulled it out of alarmist hot air then other Chicken Littles repeated it again and again. That’s the nature of environmental alarmists – assumptions and publicity. (Indeed, Greenpeace executives have repeatedly stated that truth does not matter, only publicity.)

In fact temperatures were above that value during the Medieval Warm Period, when Vikings farmed southwest Greenland, but the climate remained stable.

As for carbon dioxide, basic physics of the absorption and emission of energy from greenhouse gas molecules limits temperature rise to a value that has mistly been achieved already. That’s saturation effect from the overlap of spectra of carbon dioxide and dihydrogen monoxide – the most common greenhouse gas.

In general, higher temperatures are better for us and our food source (plants, whose growth is also increased by CO2. Just ask Mongolian herders how much they like unusually cold winters that harm their livestock.

Why do people like Kilthel want to take affordable portable energy away from poor people around the world?

Humans are inherently good, but to thrive need protection against coercion by those who err.

Keith Sketchley


Cowichan Valley Citizen