Chemainus poses Earth Day challenge to businesses and residents

Promotion of green initiatives in lead-up to Earth Day a plus.

Chemainus is putting extra emphasis on promoting Earth Day activities in the community this year, and it’s exciting to see.

This year, an ad hoc committee comprised of local businesses and the Chemainus Visitor Centre has formed to help spread the word and co-ordinate events to generate more awareness and participation. “In past years, our schools, service agencies and volunteer organizations have held Earth Day events individually and have done some wonderful work,” says Marlie Kelsey of the Chemainus Visitor Centre, who is the committee chairperson. “We want to put a proper spotlight on these great deeds, so our group will act as the loud speaker for all the hard work our town is doing.”

Chemainus is asking their entire population to get involved by meeting a list of Earth Day challenges:

1. Businesses to pick up trash around their stores

2. Coffee shops to give a discount to customers who bring their own mug for coffee takeout

3. Businesses to refrain from using plastic for Earth Weekend (at least)

4. Businesses to appeal to customers to donate/use reusable bags

5. Residents to take the family for a walk in the trails and pick up trash

6. Residents to bring reusable bags to stores when they shop

7. Residents to clean up their own neighbourhoods

Many of these challenges could be met fairly easily, and some — like picking up trash in the trails and cleaning up neighbourhoods — even promote getting together with friends and family to do something good together. It’s great to see the community making a push like this. You can find out more about Earth Day activities in Chemainus and in Ladysmith on page 8 of this week’s paper.


Ladysmith Chronicle