Chiefs playoff game ruined by the referee

It needs to be pointed out just how awful the referee conducted himself, especially in a playoff game.

To the editor:

Re: Game 1 of the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League playoff series between Kelowna Chiefs and Summerland Steam.

As a proud supporter of the KIJHL and the Kelowna Chiefs, I wished to pass along the following to any of those fans that usually go to Kelowna Rockets or West Kelowna Warriors games.

First, thanks for your support. But it needs to be pointed out just how awful the referee conducted himself, especially in a playoff game. The refs needs to leave their egos elsewhere.

Most of those fans who came out to watch the Chiefs for the first time likely won’t be back thanks to the ref for throwing his hands on his hips and destroying the flow of the game.

My family came out to watch a playoff game between two good hockey teams, and it didn’t happen.

Allan Mayes, Kelowna

Kelowna Capital News