Children, businesses and local residents the real at-risk populations

Maybe a little distance from Warmland would actually be beneficial to both organizations



Children, businesses and local residents the real at-risk populations

If you build it, they will come (I mean they will follow). They will. They followed someone to York Street.

Re: the existing, and proposed addition of, services for homeless/drug addicts in the York Street area.

A recent news article reads: “However, Medical Health Officer Shannon Waters said the new centre needs to be located in close proximity to at-risk populations. ‘These types of services need to be located where people are at,’ said Waters.”.

Your at-risk populations need redefining: school children (witnessing it all); businesses (lack of business; physical damage) and local residents (unsafe home and neighbourhood) are your at-risk populations.

Purchasing an old building (plus renos) because the people are already there is perhaps too easy. Maybe a little distance from Warmland would actually be beneficial to both organizations and their clients. Please not in an area where schools were first, and should come first. It’s sickening to hear of the treatment to the York Street diner. To all of the local businesses.

People move (haven’t you moved?). And if you build it, they will follow. Anyone remember when Walmart was on the south side of town? It moved north. We followed. (I bet some of us still follow two or three times a week).

Susie Straw


Cowichan Valley Citizen