Children need a good education

The B.C. Liberal Party, defender of families, seems to have forgotten that families include children

The B.C. Liberal Party, defender of families, seems to have forgotten that families include children and children need a good education, not just babysitting.

The Liberals plead that they have no money for education yet they gave in on cancelling the HST with barely a whimper knowing they needed the money for education and health.

All is not lost. There are still large sources of cash for essential social services like education. As reported recently in The British Medical Journal, only 11 per cent of all current medical treatments in North America and Europe are beneficial. The rest are likely to cause harm including many deaths from prescribed medications. Our government should stop paying for these useless drugs and treatments.

In addition, they should pass legislation banning donations to political parties from Big Pharma and other companies looking for favours. Heavy fines should be levied on doctors convicted of taking gifts from Big Pharma. Instead of paying Big Pharma for research to develop new drugs, the money should go to our universities and the results made public, not hidden like most of the Big Pharma test results.

These small changes in government conduct could save billions for better uses.

Pat Carson




Peninsula News Review