China trade agreement bad for environment

Reader questions the ethics of Chinese companies that would do business in Canada

I am opposed to the Canada-China Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPPA). I believe this agreement will cripple our country’s ability to control proper environmental policies and can have the effect of losing millions of dollars of Canadians’ hard-earned money.

If this deal goes through, Chinese companies such as CNOOC, which is seeking to purchase Alberta oil sands developer Nexen, could be given the power to sue Canadian taxpayers if we decide to make new laws that inhibit their work in our country.

Furthermore, I question the ethics of these Chinese companies, many of which are state-owned; consequently supporting an authoritarian regime.

The Chinese government denies its people basic democratic rights. We would be sinking to that level if we bring this treaty into force without public scrutiny or debate, as Prime Minister Stephen Harper is proposing.

This deal must be stopped to help preserve the well-being of all Canadians.

Chance Davies


Victoria News