White Rock fire Chief Phil Lemire speaks at a press conference where city, Fraser Health and Epcor officials announce chlorination is a permanent addition to the city’s water supply.

White Rock fire Chief Phil Lemire speaks at a press conference where city, Fraser Health and Epcor officials announce chlorination is a permanent addition to the city’s water supply.

Chlorination is not the only option


Re: Chlorination here to stay in White Rock, March 18.

Why must we “trust Epcor” for recommending chlorination when they were responsible for the E. coli entering our water supply?


Re: Chlorination here to stay in White Rock, March 18.

Why must we “trust Epcor” for recommending chlorination when they were responsible for the E. coli entering our water supply? Clearly they were not doing enough to prevent ingress of contamination in the first place, and I think may now wish to “cover their backs” in the case of future negligence.

The dangers of chlorinated water to human health have conveniently not been mentioned by Epcor or Fraser Health. Anyone can find a list of its dangers to human health on any respectable scientific website. Studies have shown that chlorine in water produces trihalomethanes when it contacts food sources, and these have been clearly linked to cancer, birth defects and skin diseases.

Chilliwack stopped chlorinating its water way back in 1996 and have since focused successfully on protecting the underground aquifers. We have other options like ozone treatments that do not pose the deadly health risks of chlorine. We could get another company to manage our water supply.

I’d just like to know why we “must” trust Epcor. Why are we lying down and taking this as the only option when it clearly is not?

Surely this issue and alternatives should be decided on by the residents who are now being forced to drink chemically treated water.

B. Cunningham, White Rock

Peace Arch News