Choice leaves us without one

I posed a question, via email, to three mayoralty candidates and to each of the 'Choice' slate of candidates

I posed a question, via email, to three mayoralty candidates and to each of the “Choice” slate of candidates individually.

The question was with regard to a Waterfront Master Plan and would not have required a lengthy response.

The answers to the question are important only in that they assist me in deciding how I’ll cast my vote in the municipal election.

What is important is “how’ the answers were given.

The “Choice” candidates’ decision to provide one response to me as a ‘group’ made me pause and think about the ramifications of voting for any slate of candidates. In this instance, if elected as a slate, we will have five rookie councillors holding the balance of power on council.

It might prove very difficult for the mayor, or the sole ‘outside’ or ‘dissenting’ councillor, or even the public, to make an argument for any position that contravenes the slate candidates’ platform. I find myself uncomfortable with the outcome of council decisions being predetermined, even if I’m in agreement with the majority.

I have great respect and admiration for those who stand for election, at any level of government. It is a time-consuming and often thankless job, albeit a very important one, and I wish all the candidates success in their future endeavours.

Darlyne Shane

Campbell River Mirror