Choose no-coal option

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

Please, politicians, take the time this year to examine the consensus on the overwhelming amount of data about coal and climate change.

Please listen to your hearts, your heads and your constituents and stop the hypocrisy in our beautiful province.

We cannot  claim to be “green” while coal mined in British Columbia is burning anywhere on our only planet.

We cannot claim to be ethical people if some jobs and government revenues are considered more important than the health of the people and the environment.

Will government only take action when floods in our province start to cost the economy more than coal mining and export have generated?

Will government only take action when the oysters in Baynes Sound are no longer fit to eat, when our water is no longer fit to drink, or when people near coal mines, transport routes and port facilities begin to burden the medical system with coal dust-related illnesses?

Or will the people elected to lead us examine the most important issues of our time and choose to lead us into a bright future with a vibrant modern economy based on sustainable industries offering rewarding jobs that don’t threaten our continued existence?

British Columbians deserve a government that they can be proud of.

B.C. politicians will deserve the worldwide respect they earn for making the tough but necessary choice to say “no more coal.”

Robin Mumblo,

Fanny Bay

Comox Valley Record