Christians look past God’s vindictive tendencies

Job’s family was slaughtered by that vindictive, petty, jealous and thoroughly human creation you call a loving God.

To the Editor,

Re: We can find confidence in God’s love, Letters, April 30.

I think the main point of the letter writer’s sermon was that God created evil in the world so that we would love him more. You only need to reread the story of Job to illustrate just how bizarre that reasoning is. Through no fault of their own, Job’s family and even his livestock were slaughtered by that vindictive, petty, jealous and thoroughly human creation you call a loving God, just to win a bet with the Adversary. And that shows his love for us?

In conclusion, the only difference between myself and all those good folk warming pews on Sunday is that I am simply an atheist to one more god than they are.

Robert T. RockMission City

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