The Biblical story is an important part of the tradition at Christmas. (

CHRISTMAS COLUMN: A season of Life Interrupted

This Christmas season, we pause to reflect on the hope, peace, joy, and love found in Christ

This year’s Advent theme is “Life Interrupted,” reflecting on moments within the gospel account of Jesus’ birth when life becomes interrupted and the lessons we can glean from each of the main characters as they navigate these interruptions.

Life interruptions are common place.

On the not so positive side, life interruptions created through loss of any kind, can upset the path we were walking upon. Loss of a loved one, loss of a job or career, loss of health, loss of purpose.

How we choose to respond to these losses can either set us on a new path of discovery and growth or on a path of despair, anguish and immobility.

On the more positive side, life interruptions created through opportunities of various kinds, can also upset the path we were walking upon.

Important life transitions, unexpected blessings of various kinds. How we choose to respond to these successes or blessings can either set us on a new path of discovery and growth or on a path of falsely believing that life will always be filled with abundant blessings, not preparing ourselves for the set-backs that may come our way.

This Christmas season, we pause to reflect on the hope, peace, joy, and love found in Christ. All four are fully embodied within Christ himself:

He is Hope – He is Our Hope

He is Peace – He is Our Peace

He is Joy – He is Our Joy

He is Love – He is Our Love

He is Christ – He is Our Christ!

Whatever life interruptions you may have encountered, may be presently encountering or may possibly encounter in the future; choose to hold onto His hope, His peace, His joy and His love.

Christ promises to walk with you through those life interruptions, providing you opportunities to learn, adapt, grow, mature and become more of the child of God He desires you to be.

Our prayer for you for this Christmas Season and throughout the New Year: May Christ interrupt you, your family, your church, and your community in such a powerful, Spirit filled way that you, and they, will be forever changed and as such becoming more like Him.

Don Huston is the lead pastor at Julia Street Community Church in Summerland.

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