Cities can’t keep up with continual growth

Re: Continued growth comes at a price, Saturday Beat, Feb. 4.

To the Editor,

Re: Continued growth comes at a price, Saturday Beat, Feb. 4.

This report should be required reading by all politicians.

The idea that continued growth is sustainable is absolute nonsense. It also means that taxes have to continue to go up.

This leads to a continual lowering of the standard of living of everyone on a fixed income and a chipping away at the middle class quality of life and the stability they provide in democratic countries as well.

A study from Halifax several years ago of about 80 subdivisions in the United States showed that the rural land paid less than the subdivisions but demanded and expected less in the way of services – sidewalks, community water and septic systems, street lighting, etc. – and in the long run were net contributors to the tax base.

While the initial taxes on a subdivision usually cover the installation costs of services, they do not meet the upkeep costs.

Most of the big cities are falling woefully behind in keeping up with their infrastructure. When will our politicians get this message? When it is too late?

Keith Wyndlow


Nanaimo News Bulletin