Citizens’ meeting on sewer agreement

I read the one page District of Sooke advertisement of  how all voters can oppose the 21-year special agreement with EPCOR and an agreement having a capital liability longer than five years.

For how much I asked myself? Then in the mail I got our Sooke taxpayer-funded information sheet about the 21-year franchise agreement.

Hoping to find the answers of mine and others’ questions I eagerly read the document. Not one bit of information about the costs, both short and long term, of the agreement or the amount of long-term debt that will be incurred and at what cost.

So, If you don’t want to sign over a blank cheque then get your petition form and fill it out at the District of Sooke offices. You can also come to the concerned citizens meeting on Monday, May 30 at  7 p.m. in the conference room  at the Sooke Community Hall. It’s a chance to hear what others think and get your petition signed.

Rick Kasper


Sooke News Mirror