Citizens right to question city on dam reports

This editorial is the most disrespectful and poor journalism I have read in a long time.

To the Editor,

Re: New dam plan is to do nothing, Editorial, Feb. 5.

This editorial is the most disrespectful and poor journalism I have read in a long time.

The fact is many of the people that the author suggests do not put public safety first do not live high on a hill on the north side of Nanaimo but in the houses just below the dam. It is their homes, property and lives that are at risk if the dam fails. These are hard-working, intelligent people that love their homes, neighbours, parks and all who live in Nanaimo.

Unlike the majority of the old city council and staff, these people were intelligent enough to ask questions and not follow like sheep. The first question that should have been asked by staff and council is what changed since the last engineering study to change the dam from being in good condition to remove immediately or 150 will die? Did we have a major earthquake, rains of biblical portions or find cracks in the dam? The answers to all those questions is no.

For those who do not believe the people wanting to save dams are not wanting to make Nanaimo safe, I want to tell you the Earth is not flat. Look at the scientific facts not unfounded assumptions.

Terrance WagstaffNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin