Citizens say good riddance to cell tower

Kudos to the South Wellington residents, whose voices of concern were strong and clear enough to be heard.

To the Editor,

Re: Cell tower not supported by regional district, June 4.

Kudos to the South Wellington residents, whose voices of concern were strong and clear enough to be heard. Thank you to the Regional District of Nanaimo for taking a stand of non-support of the cell tower, to protect its citizens. Special thanks to RDN Area C director Maureen Young, who was so helpful to residents in her area, where the cell tower was to be placed, and to Area A’s Alec McPherson, who spoke up for residents who would also have been in close range of the cell tower. In doing their research and providing alternative solutions, those residents, who spearheaded the action to protect our area have shown that citizens can determine the safety and development of their areas.

Lavonne GarnettNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin