City council doing too little, too late for economy


I find the recent avalanche of “economic development” verbiage currently spewing from city hall somewhat upsetting.


I find the recent avalanche of “economic development” verbiage currently spewing from city hall somewhat upsetting.

I have been disappointed by the past three-year performance of the current council in regards to economic development. To quote Coun. Surinderpal Rathor: “In the last three years this council has done nothing for economic development… .”

They get high marks for social programming and arts, which unfortunately does not pay the bills.

Business people have been very aware of just how absent this important part of governing has been.

The volunteer Economic Development Corporation, which was comprised of some of the more experienced business people from our community and originally put in place during Rick Gibson’s time in office, was all but dissolved and subsequently replaced with an 11th-hour task force.

So all of the current talk is much too little and way too late in my view.

Maybe some new blood will get things moving again.

Brice O’Neill

Williams Lake

Williams Lake Tribune