City council should demonstrate human compassion and decency: letter

The recent removal of the glass roof over Sprit Square Community Stage has really removed the "spirit" from Sprit Square.


The recent removal of the glass roof over Sprit Square Community Stage has really removed the “spirit” from Sprit Square.

This is a very disappointing turn of events to see this proposal passed and implemented by Campbell River mayor and city council members. This choice of action in no way assists the plight of the people who are in need of shelter and this action has been pushed forward during a period of time when the entire human population on the planet is being asked to work together to help overcome a world-wide pandemic. The challenges of the past year have altered so many lives including creating additional homeless persons. It would be prudent for those that can and do make such decisions to be part of the solution not further exacerbate the difficult challenges of the day. We cannot possible know how persons find themselves homeless except to realize they did not set out to actually become homeless nor have they chosen to be with-out reliable income. Perhaps city council, at the very least, could and should investigate alternative steps that undoubtedly could produce more inspiring results.

Yes, the business community has the right to conduct business with the upmost safety, however, the approach surrounding this matter from Campbell River City Council appears to have little forward thinking for the actual issues at hand and does nothing to suggest any kind of inclusion to engage in dialog for positive change, this knee jerk reaction may serve to only shift the alleged problems to another part of the city instead of creating a viable, long term favourable solution. Alternatively, we can strive to make conscious well thought-out decisions taking steps to encompass all citizens with equality to the best of our ability with-in the reasonable means we may have available.

Clearly, I am opposed to city council passing motions for dismantling structures in part or in whole that the community has helped to build and support and; for also suggesting the banning of grocery carts from specific areas for very specific negative reasons. This does nothing to avoid adding to the ever-widening rips in the fabric of our community. Alternatively, we could choose to encourage community “Spirit” and demonstrate human compassion and decency to all our citizens regardless of their current situation by way of leading by positive example.

Patricia Foort,

Campbell River

Campbell River Mirror