City council should not impose morality

I am writing in response to all the people who have been writing about the Lingerie Football League and the Taboo Sex show.

I am writing in response to all the people who have been writing about the Lingerie Football League and the Taboo Sex show.

The Gertie Pools and Gerda Peacheys of this world will always have something to say about something. Here is my take on the issue. In our city there seems to be a great divide… the religious and the not so much religious. Morality should not be forced upon us by a city council, nor a religious body.

The arguments used by such people as Eileen Dyck that exhibition of female bodies during such events will only bring out more sexual assaults is ludicrous! Been on a beach? Been to a B.C. Lions game (they have scantily clad cheerleaders)? Come on people, bring your head out of the clouds.

This city has been backwards thinking for many years. I have lived here most of my life and I have heard every argument, from banning exotic dancers to the AESC construction, and in every argument there are two sides to it. I don’t tell anyone what to do in their lives – their choices are up to them. You people should do the same. Realize please that Abbotsford is a city now, not the Bible Belt community it once was, and along with that comes diversity.

I attended the Taboo show with my wife and found it to be very professional and informative and it wasn’t lewd or disgusting as you people think.

I have not decided whether I would attend the LFL, but I do defend an adult’s right to attend and also defend the AESC bringing it to us. It will not shake my world if it was here or not… why does it shake yours?

T. McManus

Abbotsford News