City council’s gender balance will play itself out

I think there is a natural role that men and women play together synergistically.

To the Editor,

Re: Women must demonstrate leadership, Letters, Oct. 7.

I think there is a natural role that men and women play together synergistically and to equate that to the gender balance occupying the city council seats is the wrong direction to go.

I believe the man is to play more of the driving force and the lead role and the female is to play the role of the heart and nurturer which will lead both to naturally submit together in harmony.

There is a belief for some that women have better leadership qualities because they follow through with mutual consensus. That is not a compliment, because it just means that some believe that women are more easily controlled through the group think process. I think women can do better than that.

We should stop this constant comparison of male and female statistics because it is threatening to divide us.

Holden SouthwardNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin