City council’s priorities are skewed

There's funds to plug in electric cars, but none to provide defibrillators.

Editor: There is enough electricity for cars, but not enough for people.

How ironic is the picture of our mayor touting a plug-in for electric cars when he and his council cannot or will not find enough funds to buy defibrillators for the five City public facilities.

We are told that, each year, 2,000 people in British Columbia could have been saved by their timely use, yet it seems the City of Langley would rather supply free electricity for a handful of electric-powered vehicles.

The priority is obviously on the news clip that unveiling a free plug provides, rather than actual need.

If council had its priorities right, it would be far more concerned about the well-being of its citizens and taxpayers, rather than the tawdry picture opportunity geared more toward a public relations image, rather thanĀ  something meaningful and substantial.

Shame on Langley City council.

Don Woode,

Langley City

Langley Times