City hall

Resident displeased with the actions of Vernon politicians

I am not happy with the Vernon councillors. There is nothing happening.

I ran for council last November. I received about 800 votes but not enough. I had some good ideas like free parking for the handicapped but no response. To help businesses downtown, we need more people downtown.

We remove the Elks Hall and build some condos there and also move the Greyhound bus depot to Anderson Way next to the casino and Fairfield Hotel.

Why can’t the mayor and council do anything but talk? Maybe they do need more money. The chamber of commerce can help bring new business here but we have to upgrade and not stay farmers.

The First Nations people should be on council as they have lots of land and we can work together.

We can start with a sky train, one track and electricity and no pollution. Let’s get real and people will move here. Interest is cheap at the banks.

With the water issue, they say $70 million but with interest, it is $100 million.

Art Gourley



Vernon Morning Star