City hall gardens

Resident sings the praises of the landscaping at Vernon city hall

Spending a bit of time in the downtown lately, I was stunned by the absolute beauty of the gardens now standing between the city hall, the old library and the museum.

My children were able to run and play hide-and-seek with great freedom while I roamed and viewed the beauty of the blooming hostas, delphiniums and so many others that I could not name.

The wonderful Grey Canal channels provided playtime for my youngsters to get their feet wet while I enjoyed the shade provided from the old trees thoughtfully left and framed by beautiful seating.

All the while, I was left with the thought of who must have put in all of the effort for the planning and work for this amazing piece of beauty added to our city to be put in.

You should be applauded.  Thank you


Kaylee Juniper




Vernon Morning Star