To the Editor,
Re: School trustees urged to investigate gender-neutral washrooms, March 5.
While at the federal building on Front Street recently, I used a gender-neutral washroom.
While at the disability office downtown a while back, I used a gender-neutral washroom. Most shopping centres have gender-neutral washrooms. Country Grocer and Save-On Foods stores also have gender-neutral washrooms.
Anyone can use them with complete safety and privacy. They cost little or nothing to add to a new or renovated space and are seen as absolutely necessary by those who use them, for whatever reason.
We have all been living with gender-neutral washrooms for a long time in our homes, workplaces, activity centres and places we do business.
We refer to them as handicapped or family rooms.
They are single-use rooms with space to change yourself or a baby, or do what most of us do in there.
I have to question the origin of a person’s thoughts and ideas when they jump to sexually perverse or sexually repressed interpretations of what a safe place for a child to pee in has to be.
Every child has a right to be safe. This is not just about gender identity, it is a safety issue.
Please people, get your minds out of the sewers.
Bill Bard