City must have arts and culture

I have a quick reply to those who wish to have all the arts funding scuttled because they think it’s a waste of tax money.

To the Editor,

Re: City should look after its poor and hungry before funding arts, Letters, Dec. 16.

I have a quick reply to those who wish to have all the arts funding scuttled because they think it’s a waste of tax money.

A city without art, music and culture, is a city without a life, a city without a breath of fresh air, and in my opinion a city not worth living in. Life is hard enough as it is, and it is the arts in all its forms that allow the average person to escape the drudgery of life for a brief moment and find a measure of hope and joy, however fleeting that may be. The arts must always be supported. It is not a frivolous activity, but a very critical component of our daily lives.

Marty Steelevia e-mail

Nanaimo News Bulletin