City of Prince Rupert needs to look closely at its costs

Thanks to “the View” for publishing information comparing administration costs in cities of comparable size to Prince Rupert!


Thanks to “the View” for publishing information comparing administration costs in cities of comparable size to Prince Rupert!

The high cost of administration in Prince Rupert is outrageous in comparison and what has been accomplished?

The mayor, city administrator and council should study the Terrace administration and follow that guide to decreasing our staff! Our taxes are also the highest. A word to the mayor and council, don’t even think of raising our taxes for any reason! It is a sad commentary on the financial management of the City when we have already spent any monies if the mill sells!

Council needs to look at money saving big issues.

1. Administration costs

2. Fire hall costs

3. Airport ferry costs

4. RCMP costs

Most of these costs are so high there is no money to do any of the infrastructure improvements; the very job administrators are paid to do. There is no money to do any of it. Waiting for new business to pay our past debts, this won’t work. Mayor & Council need to do the hard job of cutting costs so we can stay alive financially. Doing the same thing and expecting different results is foolish. Doing the right move financially always works.

– Charlotte Rowse

The Northern View