City of Surrey deserves better

Editor: Re: Satiric slurs pay off for former candidate, Feb. 12.


Re: Satiric slurs pay off for former candidate, Feb. 12.

It’s Don Pitcairn – seller of “Better safe than Surrey” and “Surrey dies here” T-shirts – who is the bully here.

I believe in Surrey and the tremendous effort that has been done to make it a truly livable and fun city to live in. As a citizen for almost 30 years, I have witnessed great improvements and am not ashamed of any part of the growing process.

Who does Pitcairn think he is to try and besmirch the respect that we have achieved in the growing process? What large city doesn’t have its own set of challenges?

We definitely made the right choice by not electing him when he ran for the BC Green Party.

Patricia Seggie, Surrey



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