City should take stand against waste incinerator

I strongly urge city council to officially oppose the siting of Metro Vancouver’s planned incinerator within Nanaimo city limits.

To the Editor,

I am appalled and outraged to hear that city council did not take a strong stand against the waste-to-energy incinerator proposed by Metro Vancouver.

I grew up in Nanaimo and have appreciated the natural environment here for more than 20 years. Our beautiful surroundings are what drives people to relocate here and travellers to visit, creating jobs . What’s more, the RDN has worked so hard to divert waste through recycling and composting. Let us not enable Metro Vancouver to continue environmentally negligent practices having four times higher waste per capita than the national average. Instead, I strongly urge city council to officially oppose the siting of Metro Vancouver’s planned incinerator within Nanaimo city limits and take any necessary actions to prevent an incinerator from being built in Nanaimo. Please stand up for a clean, healthy Nanaimo community.

Aviva Stein-WottenNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin