City’s 911 choice too costly for taxpayers

Politicians must advocate for lower taxes and greater efficiency in the public service.

To the Editor,

Re: Council chooses more expensive 911 contract, March 25.

Only two of our seven councillors are advocates for the taxpayers on this issue. The others support the unions, the RCMP and the status quo. The people should remember that for the next election.

We are under assault from all levels of government to increase taxes, fund more bureaucrats, exert more control and ultimately impoverish and collectivize us.

Our politicians, elected by us, must represent our interests first and foremost. Excessive government spending must stop. Politicians must advocate for lower taxes and greater efficiency in the public service.

Bill Walkervia e-mail


Overspending taxes citizens

To the Editor,

Re: Mayor aiming to unite Island on 911 service, March 27.

I read the article regarding the city signing the agreement with the RCMP to operate the 911 service at a cost of $335,000 per year. Nanaimo could also be charged a large share of the $500,000 cost to the RCMP for the upgrading of equipment as part of this service.

The article states that the service was available from a private firm in Vancouver for $126,000 per year.

I am hoping that these figures are a misprint and council did not choose to spend over a quarter of a million dollars per year of taxpayer money for no better reason than to save a few public service union jobs.

Robert Greenvia e-mail

Nanaimo News Bulletin