City’s core review will be worthwhile

Nanaimo’s core services review is now in full swing and will be completed by mid-May.

To the Editor,

Re: Council includes conference centre in core review, Jan. 28.

The civic playing field is finally being narrowed down, separating politicians looking after the bulk of its citizenry from those who apparently favor spending our money to fund select specialty organizations.

Nanaimo’s core services review is now in full swing and will be completed by mid-May.

Groups, which get permissive tax exemptions and grants, have now been included in the review along with the Vancouver Island Conference Centre ($1 million a year in tax funding), the Nanaimo Economic Development Corporation ($1.4 million) and the Downtown Nanaimo Business Improvement Association (more than $200,000 from taxpayers citywide, matched by downtown commercial property owners.)

Since the entire city budget was $190 million last year there are likely lots of places where a core review will find efficiencies to save us money, although tax-plundering organizations and their political allies will not be happy about having our bounty clawed back from their piggy banks. However, it will be about time.

George OliverNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin