City’s dog rules necessary for safety

Runner and cyclist has been harassed by dogs in past

Re: On-leash animals unpredictable (Letters, June 15)

I favour restrictive controls over dogs in the city of Victoria.

Over the years I have been threatened and harassed frequently while running or cycling. I have even been bitten several times. Restrictive rules are necessary because too many dog owners are selfishly unconcerned with the comfort and safety of others.

Restrictive rules, combined with social pressure, have at least helped control the amount of dog droppings on sidewalks or pathways.

Let me say something in favour of cats in the city: I have never been chased or bitten by a cat while out running, cycling or walking. Nor have I ever stepped on their droppings on sidewalks or pathways (last week I stepped in dog droppings in someone’s garden, so it is not just cats that soil yards).

Children are very rarely, or never, seriously mauled by domestic cats. Cats are simply better suited for the city than dogs because they are smaller, cleaner and non-threatening to passers-by.

Ed Janicki


Victoria News