City’s metal container bylaw ridiculous


I was not happy to read about Williams Lake City Council and the zone amendment bylaw readings to regulate the place of metal shipping containers in the city.


I was not happy to read about Williams Lake City Council and the zone amendment bylaw readings to regulate the place of metal shipping containers in the city.

I, myself, do not particularly care for the metal container parked in my neighbour’s driveway. But it sure beats having to look at their clutter all over their yard.

I understand that regulation and permits and all that good stuff may be necessary for residential areas. But I cannot understand why council would feel it’s necessary to regulate commercial and industrial properties.

I think the containers at these locations look fine and allow these users to keep things organized and clean.

I see some industrial users actually using the containers and not allowing things to become eye-sores.  The containers are good for these spaces.

I cannot see the thinking behind having the industry users screen the containers from view.

I know that a few employees from my job will be sent home for a day or two to cover the cost of our employer having to fence in our containers. A fence that could probably be more of an eyesore than the container itself.

In this day and age when I am spending $260 a week at the grocery store, compared to my usual $200 (not to mention the fact that wages have not gone up and that my 40 hours per week is more like 32), I would think that council would be more in tune to the plight of its citizens.

Another day off so that my employee can build a fence is not what I need.

Also, if my employer were to need another container, instead of going to the local guy to go and purchase it, he might just decide to pile up stuff outside and make a big pile of unsightly junk. Its easier for him and I get to stay at work.

I just feel like this council has been making decisions that are not in the interests of the taxpayers, and let me tell you, paycheque to paycheque stinks, but that’s our economy still!

Screening off industrial containers is plain ridiculous.

Shan Kehewin

Williams Lake

Williams Lake Tribune