City’s park purchase a good score

Homes and land are always priced well above their assessed value.

To the Editor,

Re: Parkland bought without public process, May 20.

As a recent home buyer who was house shopping in Nanaimo, I discovered that homes and land are always priced well above their assessed value.  The reality is that the homes that would have been constructed here most likely would have cost an average of $300-500,000. I don’t know how many homes you can build on 91 hectares of land, but I’m sure the developers could have made a ton more than $8 million had they refused to sell it.

I say ‘good score’ city council. The more councillors make good decisions like this that seem to be influenced by the values of green space, the more confident I am when they do not inform me of every decision made.

Michael MillsNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin