City’s staffing cutbacks not the end of the world

City staff are well compensated for their positions. They are, after all, employees carrying out the direction given by council.

To the Editor,

Re: Evisceration of city staff will harm services, Letters, Nov. 28.

Former mayor Gary Korpan’s letter would lead one to believe that the sky is falling in Nanaimo. Not so. City staff are well compensated for their positions. They are, after all, employees carrying out the direction given by council. How morale suffers by doing your job is a mystery.

All corporations make management changes as needed as to references made to “the best administrator in B.C.,” we have not been given any information regarding the departure of this gentleman other than it cost the ratepayers well over half a million in a closed-door deal.

As a footnote, the city is still hiring staff.

R. SteadNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin