Civic projects need careful planning

Re: Letter writer inflammatory, Letters, Feb. 1, 2012.

Re:  Letter writer inflammatory, Letters, Feb. 1, 2012.

If Jim Powell writes a wildly inaccurate letter, then councillor David Screech should provide Mr. Powell with the answers, not call him inflammatory.

I applaud Mr. Powell for having the courage to speak up and get involved with his community. Municipal spending is clearly out of control, hence, the introduction of the auditor general for local government.

I too disagree with gardens and trees in the middle of roads,  gardens are for parks — drivers have enough distractions nowadays.

For the record: Mr. Powell does go to meetings, I know this because I see him there.

We’re not going to build a bridge and borrow additional millions to build a fire hall at the same time, are we? The Craigflower bridge project is just screaming for careful planning.  Intersections, schoolyard easements, Crown land acquisitions, and please explain, how will they ever fit six lanes into one?

Now we have Colwood building into the sky — we sure could have used those extra lanes on the Island Highway Improvement Project. No wonder amalgamation of fire and policing is the talk of the day.

Sherry Baird

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