Civilized society should not stand for racist acts

Multi-faith organization speaks out against racism

Racism is a social pathology.

Whenever it raises its ugly head we see diseased and sick people responsible. It can be targeted at Jews, as happened this past weekend here in Victoria, or, it can aim at certain Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Aboriginal First Nation people, or any identifiable group of people.

Who the victim is matters less than the fact that somebody allows his or her sickness to be displayed publicly.

They must stop, and perpetrators must be rehabilitated to respect the decency and core values at the heart of any civilized society. That is the core tenet of the Victoria Multifaith Society – an organization of Bahais, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, Unitarians, and Aboriginal First Nation people.

We abhor racism in all its many forms, and raise-up core values central in all our faith traditions. Our intention and hope is to foster a more caring, compassionate and loving society, which can bridge differences with respect without giving licence to racism and intolerance.

We invite people of all spiritual traditions to join with us in this ongoing work.

Dale Perkins,

Christian member of the board

Victoria Multifaith Society

Oak Bay News